When I finished writing the song Don’t Whine, I just had this feeling that it would become one of our more requested songs – particularly by parents. It was catchy, it was fun, and, I mean, really, don’t all kids whine?
My hunch was somewhat confirmed on our way to the Denver recording studio, where we were to begin recording the Healthy Planet Healthy People album, which includes the song Don’t Whine. We made a stop at a grocery store on the way to the studio, and I waited in the van while Helene ran in. It was a warm day, so as I sat there with the windows open. Pretty soon a car pulls into a nearby parking spot, and immediately I hear a couple of little ones, whining up a storm. I don’t recall what they were whining about, but I clearly remember the Dad saying “Please don’t whine” as they all tumbled out of the car. “Yup,” I thought to myself, “I think lots of folks are going to appreciate Don’t Whine.”
So the song is fun, tells some stories about whining, and pokes fun at me demonstrating whining. But honestly, some families really suffer from what is essentially a bad habit. And parents can do something about it.
First, do a self-check about your own way of communicating. Do you, as a parent, often talk to your children in a voice that whines or resembles whining? If so, start with you.
Listen to yourself and see what triggers you to talk in a less than direct and clear voice. If you have a child that uses whining as a way to get your attention, then that is excellent information. Now is the time to notice and then work with it.
The Don’t Whine song is one that you can use to “teach a lesson“ and help reinforce the changes you are working to instill. Parenting is a beautiful opportunity for you to model and teach healthy communication skills.
I hope you find the song fun and enjoyable, and maybe helpful as well! Please be sure to tell us your stories and give feedback too!
Dave Van Manen is a songwriter and dad who knows that kids do whine but also thinks that stories can help kids change habits. His music specializes in making families happy, healthier, and smarter too.
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